
                                                                           Things I Despise 

I am a very tolerant person but the stuff i despise are to be despised >_>.

Racists piss me off !! i break car windows >_> it irritates me to think that a person can fire another person because he's of a different racial orientation, to watch others be hurt by that sort of social behavior is just cruel, and the people themselves are beyond low >_> they are whale shit at the bottom of the ocean, it ticks me off.
Idiots, you know some people are stupid and can't help it, but the others who blindly do not care that their stupidity is a crime D: are beyond help.
Sexism i'm a girl so i should be in the kitchen , bullshit my mother is a working lawyer she makes 500k a case ans thats her lowest rate , she's successful beautiful and strong and still cooks kick ass meals so you mean and women with that mentality bare in mind shes more epic than u :D 
I hate perverts , GODDAMN why is it these sick fucko's exist >_> posting naked picks of their penis' which are very tiny O_O and say things like "I wanna fuck you till u cum, i wanna stick my dick up ur ass and grind it hard" >_> i got that once i laughed for half hour here's my reply "I don't wanna fuck you and put your dick in my ass?? that tiny shit couldn't fit through a needle, your mother must enjoy small things" >_> i never heard from said pervert again :D
Scene Kids >_> are the biggest fail the world has to offer >_> end of statement
Anons, i'm very sorry but ur not humans ...sadly ur existence is only temporary you like plastic utensils i eat with you and then poof garbage .
Boring people cause i'm boring i do not need to have another boring person around me D: