
                                                                                             My Poems 


The World As i Perceive 
Somewhere along the way, our atomic ambition for the world of tomorrow surrendered to the sterile solace that industry would save us where humanity had failed. The world has become a dull grey benediction of enterprise and ambition, forever writhing in its own decay, a morbid tale of false triumph and willing collapse. This echoes through our hollow sphere, an empire of children misled; born condemned, sick with desire, steeling for disaster. Reared in fear and spoon-fed gentle lies, we learned to fight in total silence, trembling without sin, never keeper nor kept. Never smart enough. Never strong enough. Never good enough. Never more than pride misborn. Never what you wanted. Never...again. We've lost a certain calm, quiet confidence, displaced by lives of little substance and even less lucidity. You and I are but wood painted flesh. Perfect hand picked pets, tangled in the twisted silver strands of freedom. This is my battalion of truth. Every letter, every key, an archer's bolt honed in chaste. Tapered by endurance, drawn and slung into the pulpy bosom of your hordes of wrath. 

My Bloody Revenge 

Every broken enemy shall know, that the blood i shed is their own, the tears that flow from their eyes i allowed, the final breath they breathe i grant them this mercy that which is not dead may etarnal die , the tears they shed from that life is a lie gathered dust and wilted dreams bloody end and wretched screams Slit my throat and taste the cream.

Mistaken Mindset 

U can only think that there is hope...in truth there is none...u can only pray for the tears to stop in truth they will never slow down...u can cry for the days to be better in truth they never will be. You can pretend they didn't hurt u smile and walk away in truth u died inside...u can scream out from the depths of your soul in truth no one will hear you....you can dream of a sleeping in bliss in truth the nightmares stayand erode ur mind.Inside the hatred grows strong ur heart bitter ur resolve failing but on the outside u smile and wave laugh and joke but in truth.....u r dead...... 


I close my eyes and see the same images the same picture the same scenes the same sicking faces the yellow wall the cold dead sheets the dim floors the crack in the window....why am i seeing this? y do i remember wat i shouldn't? y do i cry even when i know its over? the fear, the pent up anger, the screams the hate! it rolls over me in waves crashing into me throwing me down, flowing over me, im weak to overcome it...

The Void

I watch them walk away my heart beats faster i never felt so alone,cold i hold my hands out to touch them they vanish in thin air.I hold my blade close to my heart hoping the pain stops praying i never cry another time never feel the sting of my heat begging for love begging to heal..i watch my blood pool at my feet i smile the hate i feel wells up inside i laugh at the world and all its flaws all its darkness and laugh as i leave it never to feel pain never to hurt never to cry again i step into the void